A few Christmas dinner recipes…

Christmas eve started off a little slow, I woke up with a head-smashing migraine.  Col went out for a haircut, called his parents…

Pork Chops with Blueberry Sauce

New recipe! Tonight, I tried out both a new recipe and a new piece of kitchen hardware! My new Le Creuset 3.5qt Braiser…I…

Day 3 D-Day!

Day 3 of Helena’s visit Sunday (Dec 11th) morning I had a pick-up to do for the choir, a wonderfully generous donation from…

The storm before the storm…

Wow, what a whirl-wind fortnight (or more) it’s been here in the McMaster household! The two weeks leading up to Helena’s arrival was…

''Be-cause I'm soooo, Caught up!''

Tuesday October 25th, we had, what could only be described in the Madden household, as a lie-in.  Poppy let us sleep until almost…

Honey Soy Tilapia

Let’s go with a new recipe, while I frantically try and catch-up my blog before my friend Miss Elizabeth gets on my case…

Showers of babies!

As most of you know (if you don’t, where the heck have you been?!) this weekend brought with it an event I’ve been…

The sound of music…

Last weekend was a quiet one, the first in a long, long, time.  It felt odd for us, but nice.  It was reminiscent…