Day 5: Universal Studios

We’d discussed the night before what we were gonna do, the general consensus, between Col and I, was Universal studios, not sure of…

Day 4: Little India

Today was Little India day! I got up at 7.30am, had breakfast, showered, did some blog-typing and we got the bus from Sentosa…

Day 2 – Best Fries Forever!

Day two on ‘The Island’ began at 9am for us, Amee cooked us a delicious breakfast of ‘proper’ bacon, eggs, hash browns and…

Day 1 – In Transit

It was a rare travel occasion for us on this trip, we had a lie-in on the morning of our departure.  It was…

Change begins with a whisper…

I’ve never been one for reviewing books, or music, or films.  I don’t know why, exactly… I like to write, I like books,…