Day 2; Getting organised

Maaaaan! I woke up on our first day in the snowy mountains, feeling like I’d not had a drop of water in a month.  Dry is an understatement.  The headache was still pounding between my ears and I felt like I’d been hit by a bus!

An inch or two on the Suburban
Aunty Sophie with bundled up little Eve

After our yummy breakfast, the boys scraped off the two inches of snow that had accumulated overnight and we cautiously headed down the mountain behind Tracy’s dad Rod’s truck and over to The Village Ski shop where we’d heard was the best place on the mountain to hire our equipment for the week.

The littlest Madden is too little for skis just now!

Getting our gear took a while, we needed measured and fitted, but pretty soon Col and I had helmets, skis and poles and we were ready…to have lunch!

Mr and Mrs Madden ready for a ski

We had lunch at the cafe at the foot of the mountain and Magz, Sam and Sophie headed up the mountain, Col sorted out Ski lessons, while I rocked little Eve back and forward in her pram, to sleep.

There is a baby in there - honest!

The afternoon was pretty relaxed, Col worked, I read, we watched Eve in the house until it was time to pick up the ski-gang.  The evening was pretty short to be fair, we were all totally cream crackered! Dinner (thanks to Magz) and early to bed!

Magz, Sam and Sophie up on the ski lift