Day 4; Quality time with an adorable little person

We decided to spend Tuesday chilling out (translation: recovering) from our previous days activities.  Magz, Sam and Sophie left the cabin just after 9am.  From the moment they left, Eve slept like the adorable little baby she is, she woke up for around twenty minutes, cried a little and went back to sleep.  Col and I were both very civilised and enjoyed a morning of reading.

Cute baby girl 🙂

I made a mac & cheese lunch for the hungry troops who came down from the mountain, before we all bundled up in our winter gear and headed out ’round the road’ as we say at home, to take Eve sledding.

Heading up the hill!

However, we discovered a distinct lack of snow to sled on.  We ended up taking desperate measures and Sophie decided that she’d sled down a patch of pretty snow (I’m not unconvinced that it wasn’t someone’s garden!!)

When she got to the top (which was a lot more labourious than any of us thought it’d be) the sledding didn’t happen so Sam went up to ‘help’ her.

His help turned in to falling in to a big hole.

Sam in a hole!
Making snow angels with little Eve!
The Madden family 🙂
Playing with Aunty Las
Little Eve with two fairy God Mothers!
Expecto Patronum!

On the way home, Col tugged Sophie down the hill a little – though the gravel and dirt kind of made it difficult.

Col got a call on the blower, that he missed, yet, when he tried to access his voice mail it was like watching an episode of the ‘Crystal Maze’, I guess AT&T put a lock on our voice mail when we leave the state.

The mechanic told Col that his suspicions were true, that the ignition switch had gone and needed replaced, a few bulbs as well as a software update for the Griffin.  Nothing else out of the ordinary, so it wasn’t as bad a call as it could have been.


Not to rub it in too much, but the evening was spent in front of a blazing fire, watching the snow come down…yeah, you all hate me now, right?

Getting cuddles from little Eve 🙂