Fertility: Las and the light-saber

I was thinking on my way home from the clinic this morning, that Dr Light-saber (I really don’t know her name – how bad is that?!) has been in the vicinity of my va-j-j more than my own husband so far this week, and she hasn’t even had the decency to buy me dinner first! ha! How presumptuous! I swear, I’m not normally a loose woman!

So, another scan today, she started with the right-side, because that’s where my 16mm follicle was on Tuesday.  It’s only grown to 17mm.

Say WHAT?!?!

My face must have fallen, or I must have looked like I could burst into tears at any minute, because she quickly said, let’s check the left.  However, my hopes weren’t high in the least, because on Tuesday, I couldn’t even SEE the follicles on my left side they were that small.

That said, when she scanned my left side, my jaw dropped and I said ‘wow’.  She reaffirmed my suspicions.  Three follicles on the left, two around 17mm and one weighing-in at an impressive 19.08mm! Whoop!

She said it was ‘almost time’, since my opk sticks have 2 lines, but one isn’t quite as strong as the other yet and I’m at 19mm largest follicle-wise.

Next steps:

Test OPK tomorrow before 9am.

If OPK is positive, call the nurse and schedule IUI, she thinks the follicle will be at 20mm tomorrow.

If OPK is negative, call the nurse anyway.


The Femara is obviously working, tiny follicles to almost-ready follicles in 2 days? Yep.  Light-saber lady concurred, the drug appears to be working.  This is good news.

No sex before insem.  They consider sperm between 3-5 days old as ‘ideal for insem’. This, contrary to how it sounds, its also good news (see below re: pain during sex).

She said that the pain I felt during sex the other night (which a select few of you are already aware of, but it was an unexpected side-effect that really was not a fun experience that warrants sharing), was probably a result of aggravated ovaries – a bi-product of the Femara/Clomid medication.

I’m a lot more tender post-scan this time for some reason, maybe, again, the Femara (while doing it’s job) has left my ovaries mad and poking them with a light-saber just reminded everything that it’s mad!

Some of you have asked what IUI is, it’s ‘old name’ is ‘Artificial insemination’, but to me, that doesn’t exactly ring as a true description.  Think of it as a dry-cleaning and delivery service.  They take the guys sperm, ‘wash’ it, so they take out any that has bent tails, swimming in circles and the ugly lookin’ buggers 😉 (haha I’m kidding about that last bit, just for the record!) and they essentially squirt the rest up into your lady parts, through a catheter, delivering it to exactly where it needs to be, to meet your egg.

How I feel:

This is the first time I have SEEN, a positive, tangible outcome from a scan.  Previous tests and scans have all been clear, which is great, but I’m still not pregnant.  So it’s like living in normality, with a light off.  Why aren’t I pregnant yet, if all these scans are clear and I’m healthy? Y’know?

However, today, I saw progress, ok, we’re talking in centimeters here, but it’s progress.  It’s forward progress and all y’alls prayers and good wishes for my follicle growth this month has definitely helped keep me buoyant.  I have been showered with messages of ‘good luck for the docs’, ‘keep me posted’, ‘I’m thinking of you’s, ‘keep your head up’ and some more in-depth ones from some of my inner circle and I appreciate them all.

When we do eventually get pregnant, this baby will totally be famous 😉

Thank you all <3