Get Adjusted.

With all of my recent check-ins on The Facebook, I have had a bunch of people ask me about my chiropractic care (you…

Expat Drop

This morning, I shaved my legs. I know, I know, what an opening line for a blog-post, Las.  Is this how bad your…

Amy Cole has lost her mind!

I’m not usually one for using a personal situation for gain.  However.  When my newly famous author friend Elizabeth landed a box of…

Heart of a Warrior.

I’ve always been a firm believer in both signs, and paying it forward. Anyone who has read my blog at all over the…

Turoe Pet Farm

Right, so, I’m in Clifden, Co. Galway for my Uncle Robbie’s wake and funeral not too long ago, and I’m sat in the…

There’s shit, everywhere.

I need liquor.   This is not for the faint hearted and contains swearing.  You got an issue with that today? and I suggest…