Fertility: The number game

photo(13)I know many of you have been waiting with baited breath to hear all about my follicles, so I thought I’d type up a quick blog-post to keep you all apprised!

“Well,” she says, while snapping the condom-esque cover off the light-saber (my friend referred to the internal ultrasound baton as a light-saber today, and the name has now officially stuck!) “you’ve got one at 16mm, you’re not ready yet”.

“You’re kidding!!” I exclaim, hugely disappointed.

She looks at me puzzled, to which I say, “Last week, you said I had a 15mm follicle, so I’ve only grown 1mm?”

Her reply surprised me (and should probably have been clarified last week), she said, “Last week’s follicle was a ‘left-over’ from your last cycle, this one is a new one, you’re not ready yet, so no trigger-shot for you yet.”

Yay! No shot just yet!  She informed me that Dr Dunn’s ‘go point’ was 20mm (I mentioned in my last blog post on the subject that it could be between 18 and 21 depending on the doctor).

Next steps:  Back Thursday for another dance with the light-saber.  If follicle size is 20mm, IUI will be scheduled for Saturday.

Meanwhile, I’m testing for ovulation every day, if I get a positive result, I’m to call them and make an appointment.

This week is all very up in the air, taking it day by day and hoping for some follicle growth!

I know a number of you are praying for me, thinking ‘growing thoughts’ and have been asking after me, and I truly appreciate it.  It’s great to know I have so many good people on my side…more on Thursday!

2 thoughts on “Fertility: The number game”

  1. I hope you are first name terms with this ‘light-saber’ Good luck…may the follicles grow!

    1. haha I am definitely on first name terms with the light saber at this stage, we’re good friends LOL! And thanks 🙂

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