Pregnancy: It’s a boy!


Today, we had our 20 week scan (at 20 weeks and 5 days really), as usual, I was feeling somewhat apprehensive.  Lately, I’ve not been feeling a lot of bubbles movements, and, with friends around the same gestation as me talking about their feelings and movements and hiccups and back-flips, I’ve been freaked the heck out.  I kept telling myself that it was my placenta, my sister-in-law, when she was pregnant with her little boy, had an anterior placenta.  I had to hold on to something, or I’d go crazy.

Turns out, I was right.  I have an ‘anterior fundal’ placenta which means that my placenta is front and top – absorbing a lot of the movements of little bubble.  This gave me comfort, it’s not that there’s something wrong with bubble, I just can’t feel him thumping me as often or as easily as someone who’s placenta is behind/low.


Yep, I said ‘him’.

It’s official –  contrary to popular opinion and old wives tales, we are having a baby boy bubble – and he wasn’t shy about sharing that fact either!

I may have exclaimed ‘It’s a boy!’, before the scanning-tech-lady, Linda, had a chance to tell us.  It was pretty obvious – had we wanted to keep it as a surprise, I don’t think we could have.  Bubble was VERY proud of his manhood!

Bubble is currently a healthy 14oz, still measuring at 20w +5, his heart rate is still 155bpm, he has 2 arms and 2 legs (very confidently kicking the crap out of Linda’s ultrasound contraption) fingers, toes, 4 chambers in his frantically beating little heart, diaphragm (correctly placed), stomach and kidneys (filled with amniotic fluid), brain, eyes, nose, mouth, spine, boy bits – all lovely! 


We are very excited and he is already a very handsome lad!!

Col has already started making a wishlist of toys that he’s going to invest in for bubble, including Lego, Thomas the tank engine, Scalextric and Hornby – which, truth be told, he’d probably inflict that on a girl-bubble too!

Now the hard part starts, time to fight over names!

10 thoughts on “Pregnancy: It’s a boy!”

  1. Fantastic :D. Congrats again lovely! Hope you;re not getting too run down with pregnancy! Don’t worry you’ll get an energy spike in a bit 😀

    1. Thanks Rin, I think any energy spiking will be used to give this poor child a name lol!!!!!

  2. Las, one thing to consider when naming Bubble is what his initials will be – I know someone whose initials are S.A.D. and his parents didn’t realise until someone else pointed it out! And of course, my initials are L.A.M. and my poor little nephew, his initials are C.U.R.B.!!

    1. hehe! He’s currently stuck with our girls choice, so things could be worse!

      1. Well, if it’s one of those names that could be for either gender – like Robin – then no problem. But if your girl choice was Elizabeth or Victoria or Charlotte, you need to think fast!! Poor wee Bubble!! 😉

    1. Thanks!! It’s all very exciting and scary at the same time!

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