Pucks and Jars!

Sunday started late in Casa McMaster, at least, for half of us! Col had a nice lie-in until I cooked him some ”Irish bangers” for brunch.

That afternoon brought a moment that I’ve been waiting for three months…


Tonight was opening night at the Aeros (whoot, whoot!) That made for two very, very happy McMasters!

Wearing our wedding gift - Hutchy jersey!
Mr McMaster - representin'

It was great, great, GREAT being back in the Toyota centre, yes, three great’s worth of great – and then some! I swear!

Ok, so my boys have undergone a huge overhaul in the last three months, old Aeros have gone, new Aeros have arrived, new coaching staff and, to make things even more complicated for the fans, some of the old Aeros are back wearing new numbers.  Talk about musical jerseys!

That aside, the love for my team practically burst out of me in the car park, I was so so so so so excited!

The heartbreak of last season is still somewhat raw, but it was nice to get my boys back on the ice – and come away with a win.  It was a good game, I really miss having hockey friends here, I should go to some ‘away’ game watch parties to try and meet people I guess…


Post-game, we cleaned the downstairs in preparation for my ‘Ball Jarring Party’ before turning in for the night!

On Monday morning, I finally started the C25K app that I’d downloaded on my phone, I became one of those people jogging-walking down Dulles Avenue at the butt-crack of dawn, who I always yell at when we’re going to the airport! LOL!

It went well, though I did manage to get my Asics covered in mud! I skipped maybe 2 of the jogging sections of the programme and my favourite bit was ‘It’s time to turn around’, but I did good, I’m so glad I have built a basic foundation of ‘fitness’ from my Body Attack classes, cause otherwise that half hour would have killed me!

So, what’s a canning party? I hear you ask, well, let me tell you about this website I joined, it’s called House Party,they tell you about upcoming parties from the products and brands you love and you decide which ones make your heart ‘beat a little faster’ and apply to host a ‘House Party’.  If you’re chosen, you get a big ole’ box from House Party, it’s chock full of exclusive products from the party sponsor, as well as coupons and other goodies for you and your guests.


This was my second time being chosen for a house party (my first was a DiGorno pizza party!) and I was excited, I’d never ‘canned’ before and I wanted to learn.

Magz doing body scrub
The ladies, food preppin'!

Janet made desserts in jars (and boy were they tasty!!), Cindy made no-cook jam, Magz made body scrub, Nanees and Lisa canned apples and me? Well, I made jam, salsa (which went drastically wrong), mini apple pies and vanilla essence (not without help from my trusty friends though).

Cindy with her jam!

It was fun! Everyone brought what they needed, everyone cleaned up after themselves, which meant my house wasn’t left in shambles when we’d all finished!

Group picture (mostly!)

By Tuesday, I was totally knackered, I’d been go-go-go since we came back to H-town.  I turned off all alarms, phones, told my Spanish teacher that I wouldn’t make it and I slept.  I felt pretty rough, I slept in, I went to Walmart for a while, Amee and Michael came around after dinner for a visit and, shortly after they left, I was sent to bed.  When your hubby says (for one of the very, very few times since we met) ‘you look awful’, it’s time to go to bed…so I did! LOL!

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