Pregnancy: Sheri, the first of the fairy Godmothers!

I’m starting this post whilst rather emotional, so, dear readers, please forgive me if I get a bit gurney on y’all.  There are people in your life, who make you a better person without even trying.  Let me tell you about one such person…


Lately we’ve been given some thought to the more ‘serious’ and ‘grown-up’ parts of parenthood, with our international move impending, we have been quite thoughtful over an executor (and back-up) for our Will and potential trust for bubble, a guardian (and back-up) for who will raise bubble should anything happen to us, and, a more up-beat contemplation, Godparents.

I don’t think it’ll come as any great surprise that we aren’t hugely ‘typical’, that said, however, I do love my elements of tradition.  At home, the tradition is generally one Godfather and one Godmother per child, also typically, is that they are close family members, for example my brother, sister and I all have first cousins as Godparents.

When my Goddaughter Eve was born, her parents chose a slightly ‘different’ (to what I’m used to) avenue of God-parenting, and gave Eve two sets of (non-family members, close friends) Godparents – given our expat, nomadic, come-and-go lifestyle with the company we are with, this made a lot of practical sense, and it got us thinking.  Perhaps more than one set of Godparents would be good for bubble, who, as the son of an oil and gas worker, may spend his life all over the world and rarely getting to spend any *real* time, where his parents call ‘home’.

With such a melting pot of good, solid friends, we’ve stewed on this one almost as much as we have been stewing on what to call the poor kid, and while we still aren’t sure on the final numbers (2 and 1? 3 and 1? 4 and 0?), I knew one thing for sure, I knew that wanted to ask at least one person here in the US, in person, before she left for her Christmas trip home – just in case she came back to Houston, and we had already left!


I’m not going to attempt to breakdown the wonder that is Sheri in to a list of all of the reasons in all of the world as to why we chose her.  Mostly cause, ain’t nobody got time for that and y’all would tune out after volume I.  However, I’ll share with you a few reasons why I love her, what I’ve learned from her, and what I think our little boy can learn from her – y’all reading, can be jealous that she’s not your friend 😛

Firstly, if someone asked me how to describe Sheri, I’d say she is, hands down the best person I have had ever the pleasure of meeting.  Bubble/Child with no name, if you’re reading this and wondering why we chose your Aunty Sheri to be your Godmother, you clearly don’t know her well enough.  Pick up the phone.  Book a flight.  Now.

Let’s start with the important things:



When we came to the US, your mum (me!) rediscovered her love for choral music.  I joined the UNAIC choir (ironically where I met Sheri, even though your dad and uncle Gunnar work for the same company!) and my life – which I never realised was lacking – suddenly felt complete.  The joy of singing beautiful music with a group of wonderful people who share a passion, and talent, is a very special thing.

Go see your Godmother sing, you won’t be disappointed.  She has a beautiful, strong (loud!) rich voice, though she has mastered the art of blending.  If you feel compelled, join a choir while you’re at it, it’s not just a girl thing, many choirs need men-folk and both daddy and uncle Gunnar have great voices and sing with choirs.

If mummy gets slack at exposing you to ‘real’ music and teaching you to use your very own gift (which you’ll obviously have), I know your Godmother will kick my butt and remind me that music makes up a part of my soul, a very special part, that I think you would enjoy, don’t discount it because you think it’s girlie – cause she’s not above kicking your butt too!

Lesson: Be loud when you have to!



Sheri never misses a chance to go see a show, concert, recital or take in an exhibition – especially if one of her friends are performing.  Drink in the culture from her, have more than one string to your bow – even your dad (yes, even HE) loves a good on-stage production!

Lesson: Don’t be afraid to try something new!



I know if you’re anything like your father, you’ll fear the kitchen, put full faith in the instructions on pizza boxes and your idea of cooking a meal will be pasta’n’sauce with some chicken and onions thrown in for good measure.

However, Sheri makes the single best tasting baked treats that I’ve ever had, and, twice a year, she gives them out of her own free will (ok, so my birthday it was a request, but she could have said no…)  Pay attention, son.  This could very well be your ace, your get out of jail free card.  Learn to make these and you can slither your way out of many’s-a-situation I’m sure!

Her Holiday trios are delicious, every year something different (though similar) to the previous year.  I think your dads fave is the orange and cranberry biscotti from 2012, and it’s no secret that I’m all about the date crumbles!

Lesson: Call them anything other than date crumbles will land you in Canadian baking jail with your Godmother!

Hockey (and head-tilting!)


Your father and I met at a hockey game, we had hockey themed engagement pictures and a hockey themed wedding, we were avid fans of the Houston Aeros (rest their soul), we will always love our home team, the Belfast Giants and when we announced we were pregnant with you, there may have even been a hint of a hockey theme there too…

Like your Canadian Godmother, hockey is in your blood.  Many of our friends go once in a while, or when we drag them to watch a game.  Sheri and Gunnar, however, love the game, they watch it at home (and don’t need it to be an NHL game for them to watch!)

Learn the game, even if you don’t love the game like us, learn the game, and, should you love the game, do what your dad did – find a woman who loves the sport, or hates it.  There is no middle ground.

Learn the ‘Jump on it’ dance from uncle Gunnar, and learn your mothers famous ‘Irish head-tilt’ for photos, from Sheri, it’s the only move I have!

Lesson: Dance like nobody is watching.


photo (14)

She has a great sense of humour – and, better still, she can spell ‘humour’! You may not know it, but your Godmother is quite the whiz at the English language, so much so, that we send her our monthly newsletter to proof read – she does it with skill, grace and never points and laughs at how ridiculous (I’m sure) some of it reads.

Hopefully by the time you are old enough read this, your generation will still have some semblance of the English language, and less of the ‘text speak’ language that apparently see it necessary to annihilate all vowels from the dictionary.  When looking for a job

Lesson: It’s not generally seen as using people, when they sign up for the job (I.E. send her your CV to proofread when you’re looking for a job – don’t expect her to write it!), however, never take advantage and always say thank-you with something shiny, or something that smells nice!

Love, life and loyalty


One of the main reasons I love her, is that she is fiercely loyal, if she loves you, she loves you plenty, and, mess with who she loves and she will, yes, kick your butt (buy a cushion?)

551430_10152696333100411_239693572_nSheri has a very strong faith, I think this is important.  Whilst religion isn’t a hugely important part of many peoples lives, and, in truth, it’s not the main reason why we picked your Godparents, that doesn’t mean that I didn’t want to have at least one Godparent who has a strong faith, who can guide you when you have questions, or when you decide which path you choose to walk down.

I will tell you something though, if you end up living in Houston and don’t go to St Stephen’s Episcopal church, you’ll be missing out.  I never felt the sense of ‘fire and brimstone’ that I got in church when I was growing up, I felt like I was surrounded by a family, no judgement, no expectations, just love.


She stays true to who she is, at all times, she doesn’t compromise her morals and those she love comes first.  Always.  She’s easy to love, loves easily and could be trusted with the nuclear football codes and she’d take them to her grave.  She’s fun, up for anything – and, please, please be warned, our little no-named baby boy, never, NEVER extend an invitation, or a flippant idea to her, if you aren’t prepared for her to say ‘yes’, cause she will – even if that’s flying halfway around the world for something that you may not think she’d be game for.


She’s strong, confident and knows who she is, though that often takes a while to figure out.  She’s a good listener and a great conversationalist, we have lost hours together (your father is shocked if my lunch with Sheri is anything less than four hours, or if breakfast doesn’t turn in to lunch).  Never be afraid to talk to her – cause she’s heard it all before – (probably from me!) and her advice is pragmatic, she never ‘tells’ you what to do, she is more likely to help you come to the realisation of how you should proceed yourself, without you even realising she’s shone light on something.

Lesson: Talking it out with Sheri is often all you’ll need to do!

248978_10152251380160411_238258745_nI asked Sheri today to be your Godmother, over lunch in Barnaby’s (if you’re ever in town together, take her there for some sweet potato fries) and although I was hopeful that she would say ‘yes’, I found myself waiting with baited breath for her answer.  Your lives are now intertwined little man, I would say that you are stuck with her forever, but, fortunately for you (and maybe not-so for her), it means that SHE is the one stuck with YOU forever!

She’s someone you want on your side – don’t forget her birthday (April 10th) – which, coincidentally enough, she’s not-so-secretly hoping will be your birthday too 😉

4 thoughts on “Pregnancy: Sheri, the first of the fairy Godmothers!”

  1. Loved reading this. I find it funny that you managed to find a picture of the choir with neither you nor Sheri in it! But hey, I’ll take it, I’m there 😉

    1. Actually Sheri is in the picture, that’s why I used it! Glad you enjoyed the post, it was hard to confine everything wonderful about Sheri into such a small blog-post!

  2. She is truly a wonderful woman and I love her too. Bubble, you will be blessed with Sheri as your Godmother. Your mother’s words are real, your Godmother is real, and you are real! You are a blessing to those around you, and you are now also a reason that Sheri is the special person that she is.

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